Set up the SDK

The justtrack SDK offers extensive tracking capabilities for attribution, events, and various other functionalities within your Android application. In this guide, you'll learn to:

  • Add the justtrack SDK to your app

  • Copy your API token

  • Instantiate a JustTrackSdk object

  • Shutdown the SDK instance

Add the SDK

In your project-level build.gradle, add the following repository to allprojects:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

Then, in your module-level build.gradle, add the following dependency to your dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation "io.justtrack:justtrack-android-sdk:4.4.1"

Copy your API Token

Before integrating the justtrack SDK into your app, you need to obtain an API token. Follow these steps to get an API token:

  1. Go to the justtrack dashboard and log in.

  2. Navigate to your app.

  3. Locate the API token for your app. It should be displayed on the dashboard page.

  4. Copy the API token. It should be a string that looks like this:

  1. Store your token as a constant called JUSTTRACK_SDK_API_TOKEN in your BuildConfig file:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        buildConfigField "String", "JUSTTRACK_SDK_API_TOKEN", '"prod-c6654a0ae88b2f21111b9d69b4539fb1186de983f0ad826f0febaf28e3e3b7ed"'

Instantiate the SDK

In your main activity class, or the class where you want to use the SDK, create an instance variable, SDK, for the JustTrackSdk.

public class MainActivity extends SomeActivity {
    private JustTrackSdk sdk = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
        sdk = new JustTrackSdkBuilder(this, BuildConfig.JUSTTRACK_SDK_API_TOKEN).build();

If you define your own application class, it must extend

Shutdown the SDK

When your app terminates, you need to unregister listeners and tear down session tracking.

First, in onDestroy(), call your SDK object's shutdown() method. Then, set the SDK to null because it will no longer be used:

protected void onDestroy() {
    sdk = null;
    // ...

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