The justtrack SDK can track advertisement and in-app purchase revenue for you. In-app purchase revenue is always tracked automatically, advertising revenue can be tracked automatically from the IronSource SDK right now (see Third-Party Integrations). If you are using another SDK to deliver ads for your users, you can track the impressions manually.
Forward in-app purchases
If the user performs an in-app product or subscription purchase, you can forward the purchase via the justtrack SDK to our backend. By default, this is already enabled and every purchase of the user will be forwarded automatically. You can enable or disable the integration by calling setAutomaticInAppPurchaseTracking
when creating the SDK instance or on the SDK:
When enabled, all purchases will be reported automatically to the justtrack backend and, if you have correctly configured purchase validation, show up as revenue for your app.
You have to configure a service account to correctly validate purchases.
Forward Ad Impressions
Our SDK can forward ad impression data to the justtrack platform so you can track your app's ad revenue.
We can automatically forward ad impressions for the following partners:
For IronSource, refer to our setup guide for combining our SDK with the IronSource SDK first.
However, if your ad network isn't in this list, you can manually forward impression data using .forwardAdImpression()
This method accepts an AdImpression
whose parameters are:
adFormat: The format of the ad.
adSdkName: The name of the SDK you used to fill the ad space, for example "ironsource" or "admob". When using ad mediation, this is the name of the mediation platform.
The SDK name must be lowercase. So, for example, you would use "ironsource", not "Ironsource".
Additionally, you can use the following methods to set more dimensions:
Upon success .forwardAdImpression()
returns true. If a parameter is invalid, false is returned.
Last updated