Set up the SDK

The justtrack SDK offers extensive tracking capabilities for attribution, events, and various other functionalities within your iOS application. In this guide, you'll learn to:

  • Add the justtrack SDK to your app

  • Copy your API token

  • Instantiate a JustTrackSdk object

  • Shutdown the SDK instance

Add the SDK


You can use CocoaPods to add the justtrack SDK to your app. Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'JustTrackSDK', '4.5.0'

Afterwards, run pod install in your project to actually download and install the justtrack SDK for your project.

Copy your API Token

Before integrating the justtrack SDK into your app, you need to obtain an API token. Follow our guide to find your token.

Instantiate the SDK

The SDK consists of a handful of (public) classes and protocols you can interact with. The main protocol of these is JustTrackSdk which allows you to attribute the current user, send notifications to the backend or record user events. To create an instance of the SDK you have to invoke the JustTrackSdkBuilder class. Instantiating the SDK could look like this:

do {
    let sdk = try JustTrackSdkBuilder(apiToken: "prod-...").build()
} catch {
    // apiToken has invalid format...

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